(ちゅーか、Lay Phyu→アイドル→Lay Phyuって連続性はどうよ?)

ヤフオクで落札したLay PhyuのBay of Bengal。




ついこの前だってLay Phyuのことを検索していて、このサイトの記事を読んだのに、同じサイトのイベント欄に来日公案内が載っていたなんて!

もうチケットSold Outかも~。。。。





「あ~、そんな催しものがありましたね~、でもこちらでは、チケットの件はまったくわかりません」とバッサリ 💦







手作り感満載のIron Crossチケット






いずれにせよ、問題なく入国できれば念願のLay Phyu(Iron Cross)です。



なぜ、Iron Cross日本公演の案内を見逃してしまったか?

それは、以前、Lay Phyuで検索している中でこの記事を読んだからに違いない。

I will no longer perform live, says Lay Phyu

• By Kyaw Kyaw Tun

Lay Phyu says he will no longer perform live now that he is 40.

FINALLY, the rumours have been confirmed; Iron Cross lead singer, Lay Phyu, will no longer be making live performances with the band.

Despite assurances from Iron Cross’s management, that the singer would be reappering on stage soon, Lay Phyu told the Myanmar Times last week, “I made up my mind to stop performing on stage when I turn 40.” That was on May 19, and true to his word, the singer has not been seen performing live since then.

The only exception being a concert to mark Iron Cross’s 15th anniversary on August 19.
“We don’t have any personal problems among us (the band) and there are no other reasons besides this. Simply I don’t want to do stage performances any more so I can give more time to recording albums in the studio. That’s all,” he said.

“Making monthly live performances took up too much of my time,” Lay Phyu said.

“It takes away time which could otherwise be spent in the studio recording, so, I will never do a stage performance again,” he said decisively.

Although he will not be making any more stage performances with the band, Lay Phyu said he will still continue recording with Iron Cross.

“I will work with Iron Cross for all my albums,” he said.

Lay Phyu is currently working on two projects; a group covers album, alongside his younger brother Ange and another Iron Cross singer , as well as the singer’s third solo album, exclusively of new original music.

“The group album is nearly finished,” he revealed.

“We just have to name it.

“But my new solo album is a long way away.”

Both albums are being recorded at PTL Studio, which is owned by Iron Cross guitarist . Lay Phyu has recorded 11 solo albums with Iron Cross since1993, including Kandara Lamin (Desert Moon) in 1993, Kabar Thit Tay (New World Song) in 1996, Thar Kaung (Prey) in 1998 and Leik Pyar (Butterfly) in 2003.

He has performed live with the band consistently since 1993, including on tours to Singapore, the US, Japan and Malaysia.

Lay Phyu’s decision not to perform live with the band any more will not be welcomed by the group’s fans.

“I believe that no IC concert is complete without Lay Phyu,” said one teenage fan at the band’s concert at the Strand Hotel in October.

But another fan said he was relieved to hear that at least the singer had not split completely with the band.

“I am delighted to hear that Iron Cross and Lay Phyu didn’t split and Lay Phyu’s next albums will be released with Iron Cross,” the fan said.

The Myanmer Times

そうそう、Lay Phyuは、アルバムの作成活動は継続するけど、ライブ活動を停止しちゃったんだ、残念だな~、って思ったキオクがありました。


Lay Phyu Makes a Comeback


Lay PhyuThe good news for Burma’s music scene is that popular rock star Lay Phyu is back in the spotlight. Lay Phyu’s comeback performance with his backing band, Iron Cross, has been booked for in late January and is sure to be a sellout. The enigmatic rock star mysteriously walked out on the band in 2006 after a concert celebrating the 15th anniversary of the band’s founding. He reappeared in August last year at a Cyclone Nargis fundraising relief concert, but has never explained why he stopped performing for two years. Lay Phyu’s new album, Bay of Bengal, has hit the top of the Burmese charts, which he has dominated for years. On several previous albums, Lay Phyu sang cover versions of foreign tunes with Burmese lyrics. Later, songwriters—including composer Maung Maung Zaw Latt—helped free him from his reliance on popular heavy metal bands such as Metallica. Lay Phyu has since produced four albums of original songs, winning critical acclaim and wide public support.


そりゃ、Lay Phyu(Iron Cross)がコンサート開けば、ミャンマー人は大喜びだろうな~。

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Iron Cross and Lay Phyu will perform thier Live Concert in Bangkok

( Iron Cross Music Band and Lay Phyu, , Myo Gyi, )

Iron Cross Music Band will hold a Live Show in Bangkok on March 29, 2009, according to the Local Source. This Live Show concert will be held at Bang Baw, outside of downtown Bangkok. Around these Bang Baw area, there are many Burmese Illegal Migrant workers are working at tinned fish Industries and other factories. According to the Data of Labor Right Organization in Bangkok, there are 2 million Burmese illegal migrant workers in Thailand. Most of IC fans in Thailand are exciting to see this kind of big event once in a blue moon. In this IC Live Concert, Lay Phyu, Ah Nge, Myo Gyi, Y Wine, Sone Thin Par and Gyoe Gyar are going to be on the stage. The IC Live Concert is title as aover ” Thai-Myanmar Goodwill Festival” and tickets will be sold with 450 baht per person. There is also a rumor about this concert that IC accept to perform this Live Show with 40000 US$.

しかも、出演料が40,000 US$ (約400万円)って・・・・ 💦

Monday, March 30, 2009

The first Iron Cross and Lay Phyu’s Music Live Concert in Bangkok

Over 300 Iron Cross fans were arrested at Bangkok Iron Cross Music Live Concert in 29th March evening. This Iron Cross show was staged at Bangbo near Bangkok where many Burmese illegal migrant workers are staying. This is also the very great chance for Iron Cross fans who are far from mother land to see the most famous rockers and Iron Cross Band from Myanmar for the frist time. This Iron Cross music concert was held as the ” Thai-Myanmar Goodwill Festival” and organizers of concert said that they are going to donate some money from the profit to the monestary which is giving free health care for poor people.

Iron Cross Music Band
( Lay Phyu and IC Music Live Show in Bangkok – Photo By Myanmarcelebrity.com)

In this Iron Cross Live Concert Bangkok, Myanmar famous singers: Lay Phyu, Ah Nge, Myo Gyi, Y Wine, Sone Thin Par and Gyoe Gyar performed. However, over 300 Iron Cross fans were arrested by the Thai Immigration Police before the show started because of not having Migrant Worker Permit ID. Myanmar famous Singer, Lay Phyu and other singers were also inspected by the immigration police officers because of not having performance permit on their visa status. Therefore, the Iron Cross Music Show could started late at 9:30 PM instead of 7 PM. This is the very first trip for Iron Cross to Bangkok and it made Iron Cross inconvenient. The Iron Cross Music Concert was ended with Lay Phyu before 11 PM because Thai police officers allowed the concert till 11 PM.

To Watch Lay Phyu’s Page 15 Video from this show : Visit Here!



いずれにせよ、今後見る機会が無いだろうと思われたLay Phyuのコンサート(4時間も!)、楽しみだな~。


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